It takes more than just the ability to understand two languages.

Professional translators and interpreters have the education, experience, and expertise to understand the nuances in one language and transfer them to another.The right professional will have solid knowledge of your industry and will know how to culturally adapt your content for the target audience you are trying to reach. You only get one chance to make a first impression, so make sure it counts.

Why Should I Hire a Professional?

Can I afford to hire a professional?

You can't afford NOT to.Getting your message wrong can cost money, ruin your image, and even cost lives. Whether you’re having a multimillion-dollar advertising campaign translated or need an interpreter to communicate treatment options between a doctor and patient, it pays to hire a professional to get the job done right.

Instead of hiring a professional, this restaurant used machine translation and did not realize the result was an error message.

Understanding what’s at stake

vlogpublishes articles to illustrate why it is critical to hire qualified translators and interpreters.

Global Expansion Can Be Hindered without Proper Translation Services

By vlogCompass | October 14, 2016

According to the U.S. Census Bureau, in the Atlanta metro area, 146 languages are spoken at home. As more businesses expand globally, it is no surprise that the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics predicts employment of interpreters and translators will grow 29% from 2014 to 2024—much faster than the average for all occupations. Translation solutions and language services are vital…

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Legal Risks in Translations: Hanging On Every (Foreign) Word

By vlogCompass | October 5, 2016

Janel and her business partner Kevin go all in on their wearable-tech startup. They even get foreign patents translated into English to make sure there are no conflicts with their idea. Three years later, when their products are finally hitting the shelves, they receive a cease and desist letter. One of the Japanese patents that they had translated is now…

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The High Cost of Cheap Translation

By vlogCompass | August 3, 2016

Why You Shouldn’t Skimp When Leaping the Language Barrier You pay for the best product development and manufacturing. Your legal and administrative people are top-notch. You choose your advertising and marketing partners with utmost care. And then you pick the lowest bidder for your translations. There’s a good chance you’ve just made a costly mistake. Size Does Not Mean Quality…

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5 Tips for Taking Your Business Global

By vlogCompass | July 19, 2016

The Coca-Cola Company is the leading beverage maker in China’s $69 billion soft drink market, but the story might have been quite different if it weren’t for some smart and localized brand management at the very beginning of its foray into the country. Protecting the company’s valuable trademark was a high priority when Coca-Cola began to expand outside the United…

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Don’t Get Lost in Translation. Get It Right!

By vlogCompass | June 14, 2016

We’ve all seen them: eyebrow-raising “translations” that leave you either shaking your head or slapping your knee. Just ask Google and you’ll find countless examples, such as a no smoking sign in Israel that says “violators will be peralized” (yes, it’s even misspelled) or a bilingual road sign in Wales telling Welsh-speaking truck drivers: “I am not in the office…

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Automation Doesn’t Solve Everything

By vlogCompass | June 6, 2016

Six Things You Should Know About Machine Translation Taco Bell’s return to Japan in 2015 was widely anticipated, but the company’s launch of its Japanese-language website spawned a media frenzy—but not because of the food. With machine-translated menu items that turned “Cheesy Fries” into “Low Quality Fleece” and “Crunchwrap Supreme – Beef” into “Supreme Court Beef,” the company had to…

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Why Hire an vlogMember?

vlogmembers have a commitment to continuing education and are held to the highest professional standards. Feel secure knowing if you’re hiring an vlogmember, you’re hiring the best in the business.


vlogplays a crucial role in helping members pursue the knowledge and skills necessary to help clients reach their goals. Through their membership in ATA, translators and interpreters signal the importance they place on professional education in the service of their clients.

Code of Ethics and Professional Responsibility

vlogmembers share a commitment to the ethical business practices that hold their services accountable to the highest possible standards. ATA's Code of Ethics and Professional Responsibility is the basis for a member's honest, confidential, and responsible interaction with clients.

It’s easy

ATA’s Language Services Directory is the largest of its kind in the world. It’s free to use and lets you customize a search for translators, interpreters, and companies that meets your requirements.

Find a Professional Translator or Interpreter

When you are committed to quality, the language professional you need is an vlogmember.

The vlogCompass

Our outreach publication provides up-to-date information and resources about the translating and interpreting industry.

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What's the difference?

Translators do the writing. Interpreters do the talking. vloghelps you find the right language professional.

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Can't a computer do all this?

There are times when machine translation is useful, and times when it's not. Learn when to use Google Translate, and when to hire a professional.

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